Pool Spa Fence LawsFrom 1st December this year, local councils will register all backyard pools and spas in their area, with property owners being required to submit a current certificate of compliance for their pool or spa safety barrier.

SPASA Victoria CEO Chris Samartzis, applauds the Andrews Government for bringing in this new legislation that will ensure the safety of all Victorians. “Backyard pool and spa owners can now relax and enjoy the fantastic lifestyle that comes with pool and spa ownership, knowing that their wonderful asset will now be safer than ever. Thank you Minister Richard Wynne,” says SPASA Victoria CEO, Chris Samartzis.

It is proposed that local councils will take charge of this mandatory registration scheme from December, with all pool owners required to contact their council by April 14 next year and pay the proposed small $37 registration fee.

Inspection certificates for all pools built before 1994 must be lodged by 30 October 2020. For pools built between 1994 and 2010, it is proposed that owners will have until 30 April 2021, with all pools built after 2010 requiring to be certified by 29 October 2021.

It is also proposed that councils will charge pool and spa owners a $20 fee to lodge their inspection compliance certificates, a process they will be required to undertake just once every three years. Households are also tipped to have 20 days to bring their pools into compliance if an inspector identifies any safety concerns.

The state government introduced this new scheme after numerous coronial investigations found that un-maintained and non-compliant pool barriers had contributed to the deaths of children in backyard pools.

The Victorian Coroner recommended strengthened pool safety laws after investigating several drowning cases.

“As the peak body of the swimming pool and spa industry in Victoria, SPASA Victoria is delighted that these new safety measures will increase the enjoyment of pool and spa ownership for all Victorians”, said SPASA Victoria CEO, Chris Samartzis.

Read SPASA Victoria's Media Release HERE


For further information please contact:

Telephone: 03 8526 7799 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For Media Comment: Chris Samartzis, CEO SPASA – 0418 443 758
