The Home Improvement section of the Herald Sun RealEstate newspaper on Saturday featured 'Lap of Luxury' - an article promoting the benefits of pool ownership and advocating that 'now's a good time to start the ball rolling' if you're in the market for a pool.

"Generally, pools do make homes more attractive to buyers if they're done well", writes Emma De Smit from the Herald Sun. "According to 2014 research conducted by buyers' advocate Secret Agent, pools in Melbourne's inner-eastern suburbs can add from about 6 to 30 per cent to the value of a home."

Likewise, the Age's 'Domain - New Living' newspaper on Saturday featured 'Cents and sensibility' in it's 'Style' section, with writer Darren Palmer stating that "...a pool can provide substantial value to [a] property. Take for example the home sold on The Block Allstars in 2013 for $1.4 million. In three years, the property was relatively unchanged except for the addition of a modest backyard pool and was sold for more than $2.5 million in 2016. A pool can be the perfect value-add to a home."

To read these articles in full see The Age Domain New Living - Cents and Sensibility and
Herald Sun Home Improvement - Lap of Luxury

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