SPASA Queensland, SPASA South Australia, SPASA Victoria & SPASA Western Australia continue to stand as one in our opposition to the formation of the Swimming Pool & Spa Alliance of Australia.


The four States strongly urge the Swimming Pool & Spa Association of NSW to abandon their divisive and deceptive “national alliance” concept and return to the negotiating table.


Legal advisors acting on behalf of the four State Associations formally wrote to NSW this week highlighting our concerns and requesting they cease their actions and resume participation in good faith as a member of the true national body, Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia Ltd.


NSW responded denying the grounds of any of the concerns, they rejected all the issues raised and failed to provide any of the undertakings sought by the other States.


These matters are of such concern to the four State Associations that it is now necessary to seek assistance from the courts.  Consequently, an injunction will be sought to prevent NSW continuing its current actions while the matters are considered in the Federal Court.


For further information or clarification on the above contact the SPASA CEO/Manager in your State.


